Freshest Caprese Salad

If you remember, I started hydroponically growing herbs over the winter time. I’ve had a pretty good success rate and my latest favourite has to be basil! So many applications, savoury AND sweet! I love how easy it is to go into my kitchen and simply cut some leaves off to add to whatever dish I am preparing. 

This afternoon, I decided to make the freshest Caprese salad that I’ve ever eaten. I went to the farmers market yesterday and bought some fantastically ripe beefsteak tomatoes. Combining those with fresh mozzarella and just-snipped basil created this masterpiece. I decided to go easy on the garnish and only drizzled some balsamic reduction and of course, salt and pepper. 

Ahhh sweet simplicity and what a difference using the freshest ingredients makes! Next time I think I may add a bacon crumble for a little different texture and a nice salty taste. Mmmmm.